Lauren doing one of the activities at Clear Creek

Lauren and her friends

Lauren outside our cabin
Lauren had her 5th grade school camp at Clear Creek the beginning of March. She really wanted me to go and so since I LOVE the snow, I volunteered to go. I made sure to NOT bring an snow clothes so that I wouldn't have to help outside. I was able to stay inside and help with math games for 4 hours as the girls rotated stations. It was a lot of fun to hang out with Lauren and see her interact with her friends. I also got to know some of the other moms. Which eventually led me to be an assistant Stake Girls Camp Director, this June. (The director was there with her daughter and in a conversation mentioned how much I LOVE (which I really do) Girls Camp. We also got school food - corn dogs, frozen burritos and much more "yummy" food. Bryan held down the fort while I was gone and came home to a clean home and happy kids and husband! He would stay home and do that anyday then go to work!