Here are some pictures of the kids doing their valentines. This year Matt got to do some for his preschool friends. I had him write his name and then I would write the kids names on them. After 2 times of writing "Matthew" he said Matt is much easier, and started writing Matt. Pretty smart!
oh such cute pics of the kids!! I bet they had fun, our kids were more thatn excited to do theirs and couldn't wait to pass them out, poor Syd missed her party:(
So cute- how many more years until Lincoln gets to do Valentines? I can't wait for the treats!!
Looks like quite the assembly line. It was always fun to do Valentine's cards for school.
Great pictures. My kids tried to bribe me into doing theirs. Very smart of Matthew.
That is always a project. Sometimes it takes us a couple sessions before they are all filled out.
That is always a project. Sometimes it takes us a couple sessions before they are all filled out. But it is such good writing practice. In kindergarten I protested when the teacher said to just write who it was from because I had spent weeks making Will write each classmates name. Maybe I was a little overboard.
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