Bryan and I celebrated our 12th wedding anniversary on Sunday the 22nd! We went to The Roof on Saturday night. We were going off of 2 hours of sleep from the night before, so we were tired! (We had gone to Girls Camp on Friday and got home at 3:30am Saturday morning, then had a yard sale at our house and Ty's baseball game) We were so tired driving home after dinner. Then on Sunday we took the kids up to temple square to see the temple we were married in, and walk around the grounds. We had a great time. I can't believe it has been 12 years! It has been the BEST years of my life!!
Congrats on 12 years! Thanks so much for coming up to camp. The cobbler was delicious! I'm glad you got home safe. Hope the yard sale went well. You have a beautiful family.
Sounds like you had a wonderful anniversary! Congratulations on 12 years!
Congradulations! We hit 12 in May; I guess I forgot we got married the same year:)
I spent our anniversary on a Young Women’s Temple/Santa Cruz trip- It was fun but I sad I wasn't with Todd. What a cute family you have.
Hey, I'm so glad you found me!!! Your parents left the pioneer park ward as we were called into it. What part of Utah are you in? My sister Jenifer is in Layton. I love your blog. Your family is so darling. Your boys look so much like your brothers! sooo cute. Keep in touch! Gwen (Zambrana) Hawkins
Congrats! I'm impressed you guys still went that night after such a long night/day. Hope you enjoyed it.
Great idea to take the kids up. I love temple square.
We're 12yrs this Sept....crazy how time flies.
Its great to know that 2 people can still be in love after 12 year. Congradulations.
Wow! I cannot believe that sharing a room and growing up with me were not the best years of your life!
Just kidding. Happy Anniversary!
Congrats and how exciting!!!! what a big accomplishment and sooo exciting!!
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