When Lindsey was one week old I decided to get her used to a bedtime routine. I wasn't sure if she would catch on to it, but at least it helped me out. She is still sleeping a lot during the day, so at 8pm, I make sure that she is awake till 10pm. At 10pm I give her a bath, wrap her in her "night time" blanket and put her to bed. She is alseep by 10:30pm and the earliest she will wake up at is 3:30am. Sometimes she goes till 4:30 or 5am!!! Then she eats (up for 15 minutes) and then she is back in bed asleep. She will then sleep till 7 or 8am, eat and back alseep till about 11am. I realize I am totally spoiled. I have never had a child sleep like this. We have only had this schedule for a week, but I am enjoying every minute of sleep I get. Since Lindsey has been born Bryan and I both had the stomach flu and now I have a cold/flu. I never had any illnesses while I was pregnant so I think my body is making up for it. So the good sleeping on her part has really helped us out!!
oh that is just too cute!!! love the little robe and wow on a routine already! that is sooo nice for you, to get some sleep, Sydney was like that, my angel baby!!!
OH she is so cute! That is great about having her sleep so well - I haven't had that great of luck at such a young age with any of my kids. Hopefully she is this easy in a lot of different areas.
Oh my gosh, she is just the cutest thing! I'll bet you can't get enough of her. You can tell she is a good baby - seems very relaxed and content. I hope you and Bryan are feeing better.
That's the best invention ever!!! Where was that blanket when I needed it. I always tried to swaddle like that but they always squirmed out of it. She is so adorable.
She is so beautiful, Jen!
What a beautiful baby- I can't wait to meet her. We also used the kiddapotamus blanket with Lincoln and it was WONDERFUL!! It was the only swaddling he couldn't wiggle out of. Glad she is being such a good baby- Lincoln was three months old before he slept like that! See you all soon!
She is SO cute!
I'm so glad you have a wonderful baby. It is very much deserved. She is cute, I can't wait until I get to see her (whenever that may be). I definately see the Bryan Atwood resemblance! Hope you both are feeling well. Hugs & kisses to my nieces & nephews!
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